"When you hear with the eye, everything is clear and undisguised." Zen Master Dogen

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Almost an Angel

Almost an Angel
Originally uploaded by Seeking Tao
Thought I'd try experimenting with photographs of my paintings - in this instance a detail of "Crunch Bird."

Available as a print on watercolor paper.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spinal Tap

Spinal Tap
Originally uploaded by Seeking Tao
Photograph and Ink. Approximately 8 X 10.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Red Cube

Red Cube
Originally uploaded by Seeking Tao

After "Black, White and Red"... I had to wash up.

This is a picture from the kitchen counter.

It may be the better creative effort.

Black, White, and Red

Black, White, and Red
Originally uploaded by Seeking Tao
Trying something a little new for me. We'll see how this develops.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Asemic Journal Now Online

Tim Gaze is publishing a new journal called Asemic Movement. He was kind enough to include some of my work in Volume 1. However, personally, I have enjoyed the content of Voulme 2 more. It shows the asemic works of six artists as show cased at the Hahndorf Academy in Australia.

Follow this link to Vugg Books, scroll down to Tim Gaze and click on Asemic Movement, volume 1 or volume 2. They are large PDFs and take awhile to download.

Be patient.

I have tried to find a link just to intoduce Tim, but have failed. I did come up with an interview he did which involves poetry and calligraphy. So that will have to do.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Shadows Cast by the Moon

Fridge Door Shadow 2
Originally uploaded by Seeking Tao

Enlightenment is like the moon reflected on the water.
The moon does not get wet, nor is the water broken.

But, I live in the South and in the winter it is the sun that shines bright yet coldly.
As I watch the magnolia shadows play upon the porcelin of my bathtub and tiles,
it’s as if I can feel Silence stirring,
feel the pressure of a shadow.

My intellect whispers to me, “You can’t,”
even as my senses insist, “Oh!”
The argument is settled as I recall the words,
“the moon does not get wet, nor the water broken.”

Joan Relke, an artist in Australia, recently wrote to me about Lady Li of Shu (Sichuan). Lady Li is credited with creating the tradition of bamdoo brush painting by tracing on her paper window with a brush the shadows cast by the moon and bamboo.

Or, as described in the 17th century poem, Painting Bamboo:

New bamboo has emerged from the low hedge;
Tall and erect, it seems spun from kingfisher feather.
When a shining moon rises over the east porch,
Traceries of bamboo shadow cover the ground.
I run pineblack on a bronze inkstone
And wet the brush to capture its inner meaning.
For unspoiled modesty it is by all means admirable,
But I love most its resolve: to be steadfast, faithful.

Women Writers of Traditional China: An Anthology of Poetry and Criticism p.410

Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Walker

The Walker
Originally uploaded by Seeking Tao

It's a new year and new resolution on trying to keep this gallery up to date.

Here is "just about" my first picture of 2008.

Ink on scanner image. Approximately 7.5 X 9.5" matted for framing in a 14 X 18" frame.

$115 includes shipping. Write me for details.